Monday, January 04, 2010

8000 sacred drums - "feeling" our vision to peace with finally some hope...

Had a very interesting experience last night...

Tho' it wasn't until today that i learned something about the power of feelings and the different and many forms of prayer...

We were off to have dinner at my mom's last night - headed off in my little beater of a car (which hadn't been driven for a number of days - an '86 honda)

...And about 15 mins into the trip, while we were in in the lane waiting to get onto the Knight Street Bridge, my car sputtered and coughed, finally stalling and wouldn't start again...


...Needless to say, after numerous attempts to get her started the engine flooded completely out and we were now stuck in the worst place of all places to be stalled and stuck - with hoards of traffic wanting to get onto the bridge and we were sooo in the way...


And so, when the light turned green again, those behind us started to honk and zoom out around us on all sides, some even went through red lights to get on the bridge they were so impatient and pissed...

My partner calmly called BCAA learning that it was looking like a long wait as they were swamped with other pleas for help elsewhere in the city... there was no way to see how we could even get the car out of there safely becuz of the amount of busy traffic all around us...

We were marooned in road-rage hell.....

Well.. i lost it... Completely...

I couldn't believe it - of all places to be stuck.... i got so angry and frustrated with myself and the car and the world and certainly voiced it and felt it...

Oh... there were snippets when i thought to myself that i should just chill out and relax with calm patience that help could soon be on it's way...

I tried but to no avail...........

With the amount of frustration emoting all around us in the cars and traffic zooming all around us, i just couldn't get myself there... it was all a tad too tense for my liking... and pretty scary actually - we felt like sitting ducks, surrounded...

Only one person, a woman, stopped beside us rolling her window down to ask us if we needed help or to borrow her cell phone...

Well.. after about a half hour of the waiting.. and another desperate call to BCAA to see what was up... and again them saying it was still going to be much longer... i thought to give the car another shot and amazingly...

It started just enough to get us the heck out of there... and i managed to limp the car back home via the back-streets with my dear partner chanting "green light... green light... green light..." all the way... Once home we switched cars and got out to my moms for dinner eventually... (note: my partner didn't crack once)...

And so, this morning i woke up feeling absolutely like crap..i felt like i had been literally run over... my head ached.. my body ached with much pain and i was exhausted...

And then... i happened to stumble on the below videos later today - which i think will explain a lot more of what i'm babbling about here.. ... (interesting how spirit keeps patiently waking one up with more experience eh?)....

"Bonk... yet again!" Thank you Rafiki...

In the videos, i've learned that it's been scientifically proven that our emotions really do affect our body and everything around us... Even tho' i believe on some level i already knew this stuff... but going through the experience of a stalled car in the worst place ever helped me get it alot better this time - duh...

I couldn't help but see very clearly that last night, i certainly bashed myself in many ways emotionally and it sure manifested in my body today... whoa... look what i created for myself in a such a short period of time!

So... enjoy the wisdom in these video teachings from Gregg Braden... they're pretty cool - felt like sharing them with you - i welcome your thoughts and related experiences............?

What i also loved learning here is that there is indeed hope... hope that i can heal myself with good feelings.... compassion, love, gratitude and patience... and so much more...

I also learned that especially, there's hope for us as a species and hope for the planet - our dear earth mother.... maybe we can finally stop bashing ourselves and her as a collective eh?..... we just need to start feeling what we want together, as one...........

Gregg teaches... "feel the feeling as if the prayer has already happened."

And i also learned that the percentage of the whole global population needed to make a shift, we only need about 8000 of us to make that happen..... that's seems doable, yes?


"When 8000 sacred drums sound together,
an intense healing of Mother Earth will commence."
- 500 year-old Otomi Prophecy

Interesting re that 8000 drums prophecy eh?... The Otomi people state that the 8000 sacred drums prophecy has been fulfilled and was fulfilled some years ago... Though, i find it interesting that we all still keep drumming ceremonially together every year at Spring Equinox year after year.... hoping and praying...


Okay, but i'm not seeing world peace yet.. are you?

And, i'm not seeing our dear earth mother healed yet either - are you?

Hmmm....... Here's a thought...

I wonder what could happen if we all just added one piece to the equation maybe... let's consider adding our "feeling" vision to this one... our feeling vision and prayer as to how we'd like to really see it - let's feel what the healed peaceful state would feel like.... let's feel it... smell it... touch it... and know with every sense and everything we've got...

And i do believe that we finally just might get it AND see it - maybe?

Hmmmm, what a nice thought....

with much love and light - happy new year... weaver (((o)))

PS... I invite you to watch the 3 videos below to learn more what i learned today...


  1. Dear Weaver, What a wonderful message for the new year. Thank you for sharing. Sending you love and summer rain from down under. Lisa

  2. Wow Weaver, Rick and I just read the story of you and Joan getting stuck and then watched the videos. they are very powerful and hopeful. It does give me the impression of the world stepping into its own power as we uncover these truths. love Ann

  3. Hey Weaver,

    I can soooo relate to your experience. When I had my old car, I was constantly worried about it breaking down at an intersection or stalling at roadwords somewhere that I couldn't get off the road. Of course it eventually did...

    Great story, thanks for sharing,

