Video: Bluegrass brothers are a sight to behold
Stan Lee launches his site, answers fans' questions

Where can you see the Oscar-nominated shorts?

By Whitney Matheson, USA TODAY

Each year some of the most interesting flicks nominated for Oscars are in the short-film category -- which makes it especially sad that they're so hard to see.

I bring you good news, however: More than 200 theaters will be screening the Academy Award-nominated short films this weekend (starting Feb. 10). The programs will give audiences a chance to see movies nominated in the animation, live action and documentary categories.

For example, now we can see The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore on the big screen:

Titles in the documentary category include The Barber of Birmingham. That film spotlights James Armstrong, "a barber, a 'foot soldier' and a dreamer whose barbershop in Birmingham has been a hub for haircuts and civil rights since 1955."

To find a theater in your area and watch trailers for the films, head to The flicks will be released individually on iTunes and on demand Feb. 21.

Video: Bluegrass brothers are a sight to behold
Stan Lee launches his site, answers fans' questions
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