Saturday, December 11, 2010

Go BIG or do not go!

As you plan your 2011 and beyond, are you really thinking ahead? Do you have a plan at all? I say GO BIG or don't go! But as you plan, make sure to take time to enjoy the small victory's along the way... I say, eat the Cannoli's FIRST!

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  1. totally agree, steve! i coach my clients the same way by having them assess their current reality and then creating a vision so strong and palpable that they will have no choice but to be pulled towards the new reality. The actions steps for change become (almost) automatic if they have those two pieces in place.

    and hope that cannoli was the BEST! I only spend my calories on the best stuff :)

  2. Hey Steve,
    Loved the blog, and I really loved the message. What's the point of going into business if you're not going to go big. That's my new years resolution, going BIG!


  3. Sorry to get on this so late. Very powerful presentation... Hey I'm takin' cannoli here(lol)
