2012 Ignite Global Health - Call for Student Speakers
Dear Student Leader,

On Monday, April 23, 2012 Terp Changemakers will be hosting its second annual Ignite UMD event “Ignite Global Health”. The purpose of the event is to provide a platform for student groups engaged in innovative and entrepreneurial solutions to today’s global health challenges to share their stories, ignite conversation about these challenges and inspire more students to take action. We would like to invite you, or any other member of your organization to deliver a 13 minute TED-style talk that showcases what your organization is doing to address today’s global health challenges.  

TED-style talks are a powerful way of spreading ideas and igniting conversations around different topics. This year, Ignite Global Health will feature TED-style talks from 4 student groups engaged in addressing today’s global health challenges. Speakers will be asked to give a 13 minute talk on a specific project or program being undertaken by their organization. The talk should answer most, if not all, of the questions listed below.

1. What global health challenge did your organization choose to address and why?
2. How has your organization chosen to address this challenge and why choose this approach?
3. What lessons have you learned in the course of implementing the program?
4. In your opinion, what challenges remain? What can students looking to get involved do?

If your student group is interested in being featured in this year’s event, we invite you to submit this interest form about your group’s mission and potential speaking topics by Friday, March 10, 2012. A Terp Changemaker will be in touch with you once your interest form is received.

Please note that we are expecting about 200 students for this event and will only be able to feature 4 student organizations – so submit your interest form early. For more information on the style of talks, please view any video at www.ted.com/talks

Feel free to contact terpchangemakers@umd.edu with any questions or concerns.

Terp Changemakers

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