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Published by Lockyer District High School



Welcome to the May edition of the Junior Secondary newsletter. It was fantastic to have our Junior Secondary students return to school last week. The increase in noise as students eagerly caught up with their friends and teachers was certainly a welcomed change! . Speaking for myself, I am very pleased to see my students return to the classroom. While I have enjoyed the challenge and opportunity to upskill my ICT capability, I have missed teaching and interacting with my students day-to-day. I would like to take this chance to thank all parents and carers for their ongoing communication and endurance over the recent weeks. It was a new experience for all and we truly appreciate your ongoing support and patience.

Like many aspects of life now, we have had to find alternate ways of delivering important messages, celebrating success and building a sense of belonging through a virtual platform. This week we trialled a Junior Secondary Assembly via the program Microsoft Teams. Junior Secondary assemblies are normally held fortnightly in the Hall and are an integral aspect of the Junior Secondary BBA Program. It was certainly a different experience, but like anything in life, with a little practice we will continue to improve.

As per usual, you will find the Junior Secondary assessment schedule in this edition of the newsletter. This schedule will outline when your child has a draft or an assessment piece due and when their practical or theory exams are scheduled. You will see that assessment time is nearing which further highlights the need for students to attend school every day. Should your child be away due to illness or other circumstances, please contact the school or your child’s Lead Teacher as soon as possible.

Our latest class articles are yet another mode in which you can keep up-to-date with your child’s progress. Lead Teachers, together with their students, take the time to write short articles to inform parents, carers and the community about their work in class and exciting breakthroughs. Be sure to cast your eye over the articles to see what your child has been learning since returning to school.

Thank you for taking the time to read this edition of the Junior Secondary newsletter. If you have any concerns or queries regarding your child’s education, please make contact with your child’s Lead Teacher as the first point of call.

Kind regards,

Ashleigh Gehrke




Week 8

ENGLISH: My Hero Report draft due

SCIENCE: Student experiment draft due

Week 9

ENGLISH: My Hero Report due

MATHS: Unit 2 exam

GERMAN:  Autobiography due

HUMANITIES: Geography - Water in the World exam

SCIENCE: Student experiment due

Week 10

HUMANITIES: Geography - Water in the World exam

GERMAN:  Autobiography due


Week 9

MATHS: Unit 2 exam

SCIENCE: Research investigation draft due

HUMANITIES: Collection of work draft due

Week 10

ENGLISH: Reading journals due

THE ARTS: Dance Responding Task

SCIENCE: Research investigation due

HUMANITIES: Collection of work due



Week 8

ENGLISH: Short story draft due

FOOD TECHNOLOGY: Café meal design task due and practical

DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES: Digital solution project due

GRAPHICS : Industrial design assignment due

Week 9

MATHS: Unit 2 exam

DRAMA: Project due  

HOME ECONOMICS: Practical project

ENGLISH: Short story draft due

MUSIC: Pop music performance 

Week 10

AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE: Cattle production exam

SCIENCE: Biology exam

HOME ECONOMICS: Written component due

HUMANITIES: Collection of work due

DANCE: Choreography task due

MUSIC: Reflective discussion on performance due

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Published by Lockyer District High School

Junior Secondary BBA

While learning at home, Junior Secondary students have been enthusiastically participating in the weekly challenges set by Mrs Gehrke.

The first challenge was to create a 20-minute workout featuring a variety of body movements. Prior to the challenge, students completed tasks to build their understanding on the importance of moving for a healthy mind and body. With over 120 responses, it was very difficult to choose a winner. 

Next it was the great baking challenge. A recipe was chosen and an ingredients list sent to students a few days before cooking day. Students were also provided with a recipe and step-by-step images to support them through the process. The lunch box bacon and veggie quiches were a hit and got the whole family cooking together in the kitchen.

Last but not least, students were given an engineering challenge. Students had to create a tower using only common household items to hold a marble, eraser or 2 x oreos. The permitted materials included: 1 metre of sticky tape, an unlimited amount of newspaper, 10 straws or skewers and 10 paddle pop sticks or toothpicks. The winning tower came in at 2.32 metres.

Please see the photos below.

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Published by Lockyer District High School

7G Class Report

How great it is to be together again! Our 7G class was excited to return to school on Monday 25th May. During roll call, the question to answer was “Do you prefer @home or @school learning?” The class was divided in their answers with 50% of students enjoying the learning at home and 50% eager to be back at school.

In English we are working towards writing a ‘Hero Report’. Firstly, students need to determine who is a hero and what qualities a hero possesses. They will research their chosen hero and write a report using the PEEEL paragraph structure. Not sure what PEEEL is? As your child to explain it to you!

Water in the World is our unit focus for Humanities. We will be examining water issues here in Australia. Did you know that very little water on earth is fresh water? In fact, only 1 part out of 100 is available for drinking! Here in the Lockyer Valley we are very aware of the scarcity of water.

With five weeks remaining in this term, we are ready to work hard. During the first part of term, it was wonderful to explore new avenues of communication, with the ability to include an increased amount of ICT for learning. Well done to all students for applying themselves while learning at home. Thank you parents for your commitment to your child’s learning. We look forward to finishing this term strongly…Mrs Wiley


This term in Humanities, we are continuing our study of Geography with our ‘Water in the World’ unit. We have learnt about the water cycle, the importance of water, and how water connects and affects different places. Currently we are reviewing and consolidating our knowledge to prepare for the upcoming assessment.

In English, we are beginning our ‘Hero Report’ assignment by selecting someone who has had a positive influence on the world and our own identities, and conducting research into their achievements.

To all the parents/guardians of 7H, I would like to sincerely thank you for your support over the last 5 weeks of learning@home. I’m looking forward to continuing the rest of Term 2 (and the year), back in the classroom.

Miss Bilbrough



Firstly, I would like to thank everyone for the continued support and communication throughout the “Learning at Home” phase. This was definitely a learning curve for all; but I was very impressed with how many students actively engaged in their learning. It was a great effort! I would like to congratulate all of those students! 

As we progress through this week and transition back to school, there will be a focus on reteaching many of our classroom and school expectations. I understand many students have found the learning at home and transition back to school quite overwhelming. However, I have spoken about ongoing support services that the school provides to assist them with any of their concerns.

In regards to Maths and Science, the first lessons will provide an overview of the work covered during the “learning at home” phase. These topics will be revisited again closer to assessment time.  I have offered support during lunchtimes (Monday and Tuesday 1st break) for students to come into the classroom and ask any questions about concerns they might have in regards to what we are learning. I strongly encourage students to speak up and seek help and support if required.

Overall, I am working to make this transition back to “normal school life” as smooth as possible.

If you have any concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Once again, A HUGE EFFORT by the students in 8B (totally impressed by efforts) and a HUGE THANK YOU TO the parents/guardians who have supported and guided the “Learning at Home” phase.

Nicole Luther

Year 8C Newsletter article

This Term in science we have been studying Physics and the law of conservation of energy. Through some ingenious recorded experiments as well as experiments conducted at home or at school we have investigated the effects of  Potential Gravitational on a pendulum as well as engaging in some fabulous on-line lessons in STILE and learn about energy transfers and transformations.

Meanwhile in mathematics we are currently engaged in a mini project using geometry to plan a small town which extends into making a 3 dimensional model of a school taking into consideration perimeter, area and volume of quadrilaterals, circles and prisms.

By continuing to learn in a new and challenging environment we can all return to face to face learning at school in week 6 on the front foot and ready to continue learning.


8E are very excited to be back in the classroom and learning in a more traditional way for the rest of Term 2! It didn’t take us long to miss each other, and we can safely say that online learning is an experience we will never forget!

For the remainder of Term 2, we will be focussing on re-establishing our routines and expectations (as per the Lockyer District Behaviour Matrix), and making sure we are as up to date as possible with our lesson content.

In Maths we will be continuing on with Measurement and Geometry, preparing for our exam in Week 9. We have almost finished our work with Measurement and will soon be moving on to Geometry.

Science is all about the energy in our world – learning about energy efficiency appliances, and how energy can be wasted in various forms. We are also working towards our Exam in Week 9.

Lastly, we are looking forward to continuing our use of Microsoft Teams, even though we are back in the classroom. Technology is becoming a priority in 8E, and we are striving to remember to bring our devices every day, with our ultimate goal being to reduce the amount of paper we use in our classroom.

Sarah Jensen


Welcome to another edition of 8G’s class article. We are excited to be back in the classroom and have enjoyed catching up with our friends and teachers this week. While learning at home was a different and unfamiliar experience, many of us feel that we have learnt more about technology than we ever had before.

This term in English, we are reading the novel Bridge to Terabithia. We have started to make predictions about what we believe will happen to the characters. We have had to make our predictions based on the front cover, synopsis and the author’s background. It will be interesting to see if our predictions are in fact true. Stay tuned to find out.

Since returning to school, we have continued learning about urbanisation, changing nations, populations and megacities in Humanities. We find this topic interesting and it has sparked some great discussions. For example, this week we looked at the positive and negatives of urban sprawl (building outwards) versus urban concentration (building upwards). From analysing the data most believe building upwards is better for the environment but lifestyle preferences points to urban sprawl as the better option. We are looking forward to learning more about this topic.

Ashleigh Gehrke


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Year 9 Developing Skills through Observational Drawing

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Dear Parents/Carers

Resource and subject fees have been reduced to reflect the COVID-19 lockdown.

Your account may now have a credit balance, which will be applied to any new invoices/costs.

Thank you for your support.

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